It’s ok to not rise and grind.
I’ve been an early riser for the last ten years of my life. I’ve prided myself on it. Since opening Takapa in 2012, it’s been my badge of honor. I’ll wake up earlier than anyone. 3:45 is my normal time for waking and I can get in at least a solid hour of work, and / or reading, and / or working out. Sometimes I get in a combo of these before-mentioned tasks. I dutifully set my alarm for 3:45. On most days, I rise at or before 3:45 ready to take on the world.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. For the last couple of months, I haven’t been waking early. I’ve been sleeping in! I set my alarm. I groggily awake and then I stumble to my alarm and reset it for 5:45, which is enough time for me to get out the door at 7:00.
I can pinpoint exactly where I feel I am lagging in my corporate and Rotary duties. It’s not the important things. It’s not the necessary things. However, I do have a vague sense of guilt. I feel like I’m lagging. I’m not living up to my ideal of what I should be.
Also, in my subconscious, something deep inside me is telling me I need to sleep in. It’s telling me to take the time. Sleep in, get rest, and slow down a little bit. So, for a change of pace, I’m really trying to listen to that little voice for once. It does feel right… somehow.
I am going to level with you.
I’m tired. I’m worn out. I’m mentally exhausted. I have a sense of ennui.
Ennui is a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.
“He succumbed to ennui and despair.”
This pandemic has got me beat. The constant yanking of the rug out from under Californians with the stay-at-home orders has got me waving the white flag, mentally that is. I’m not debating the Covid-19 restrictions. That’s not for this blog space. They are what they are. Let’s say for the sake of an argument, I was their biggest champion… they’re still mentally exhausting.
I cheer leaded others through most of 2020. “We can get through this!” “We can think our way out of this!” “Don’t stop!” “Get creative and reimagine!”
I’m out of rhetorical pom pons. *I* need a cheerleader.
Until then, you’ll find me sleeping in until it’s time to get up. Just enough time to shower and dress and head out the door.
Rise and grind? Not right now. Time to hit the snooooozzzzeee.