I recently performed in an alumni showcase for my old high school in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. They have built a new performing arts center since many of us graduated and it was a chance for us to perform on the new stage.
Being a performer has led me to this current role in my life as the owner of two advertising agencies. This show in my old hometown was a whirlwind of emotions, both good and bad, that got stirred up in everyone as we all worked through the rehearsals and performances.
Here is a Facebook post I made on the group’s chat to share my feelings about our time together:
As I sit here in the airport ready to head back home, I am reflecting upon this past weekend and people’s posts on Facebook. It’s obvious that this performance stirred up a lot of strong emotions about High School Theater in all of us.
However, the question I have been asking is, “Why?” Why are these emotions so strong on our high school drama projects?
I think because through drama and being involved in school shows…we encountered so many firsts. And these firsts get sorted into two main areas: theater firsts and personal firsts.
For theater firsts:
For personal firsts:
When we headed back behind the curtain on Thursday and Friday, these feelings and emotions of all of the firsts we encountered came rushing back or at least they did in me. I’m pretty sure in talking to many of you, they came back for you as well.
High School Theater is the place where we encountered so many firsts. These firsts and how we handled our actions and emotions or vowed to handle them differently define us to this day.
I am happy to have experienced many of these emotions and memories again.
Some are frankly sad and hard to relive, because I could have been a much better person back then. I know I’ve grown and wish I could take back a lot of the things I did or said.
Some memories have been funny and cathartic to remember because I was reminded about all of the good times I and we all had too.
It's a good thing to journey back and remember the past, warts and all.
It was a far, far better thing to experience the past again with all of you.
Thank you.
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